Australian Made Cloth Nappies. I found getting into cloth very overwhelming to start with but she has made it so much easier and have been using cloth since bub was two weeks old. Real Nappies answers your problems and comes with a two child guarantee.
Designer Bums - cloth Nappy from 3695 Designer Bums have been nurturing little humans and the environment for close to a decade. Cloth Nappy awareness is on the rise in Australia thanks to some important university research and a huge change in eco-consciousness among parents. And an optional liner.
The same nappy that fits on your newborn will also fit your toddler through to toilet training.
We make it easy for families to choose an environmentally conscious option without compromising on style. Zoes Safari Reusable Modern Cloth Nappy. Regular price 4295 4295. Real Nappies provides nappies from your snuggly newborn size right through to your bouncing toddle including our award winning Birth to Potty pack.